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Does Vatic have dynamic pricing for subscriptions?Yes, Vatic’s dynamic pricing for subscriptions utilizes Choose Your Own packages which allows the price for an individual performance to move with demand.
How much does Vatic cost?Our fee structure is based on the number of seats under contract (capacity of venue multiplied by the number of performances). Pricing is tiered with volume discounts built in – the more seats that are covered, the lower your per seat price.
What ticketing systems does Vatic work with?Vatic has integrations for major ticketing systems, as well as a hybrid system that works with virtually any ticketing system.
Does Vatic have pricing caps?It is possible with Vatic to cap pricing. We recommend that clients allow the system to find the natural cap for pricing as determined by their patrons.
Will my customers complain about dynamic pricing?Not really. In the unlikely event that it does occur, we provide free customer service recovery training for your box office and staff to provide them with the tools for successfully managing patron concerns.
What is the typical return on investment?Vatic expects a 4x return on investment for our clients. Most typically, clients make back their investment from a single performance.
Am I handing my pricing over to artificial intelligence?No, all pricing adjustments are overseen by our professional analysts or by the client. You always maintain 100% control of your pricing.
How long does Vatic take to implement?This depends entirely on the complexity of your ticketing system set-up. We have launched in as a little as one week, but for complicated CRMs implementation can take a few weeks.
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